Andean Cock-of-the-Rock

The Andean Cock-of-the-Rock certainly is one of the strangest looking birds on the planet, and it has been high on my list to see.
I set up my camera on this lek, tucked in the forest on a small point jutting out over the confluence of two rivers, and waited. I could just barely see two males with bright red head through the trees, and suddenly a female flew by and out of sight. This changed the game. Suddenly, I could see and hear 8 males energetically bowing, strutting, jumping, and flapping their wings, all in an eager attempt to win her attention

Costa Rica

Often the best moments arrive in between destinations.
As we were racing down country roads in a hurry to get to a river where we planned to photograph, we rounded a corner to this scene. I had time for one frame, before the dog hopped up and trotted off. It’s one of my favorite moments from the past month in Central and South America, and a good reminder for me to that it always pays to be present and aware.

Shadow Show

One of the most striking shadow displays I’ve ever seen took place as this storm moved over the Teton range.

Great Grey Owl

Sightings of the Phantom of the North have been rare in the ecosystem over the past few years, as the population is at a low point. So having the opportunity to sit with friends, and this male Great Grey as he waited out a snow storm was a real privilege.

Spring Grizzly

It’s always so exciting to see my first grizzly bear each year...5 months is a long time to go without bears. This male looks huge after hibernating, so I can only imagine what he looked like going into the den. In hibernation bears rely entirely on fat reserves, and in 5 or 6 months of laying around, they lose virtually no muscle mass.